.. index:: single: sbrisolona; almonds Torta Sbrisolona ===================== .. ingredients:: - 200 AP flour - 100 g fine cornmeal - 200 g almonds - 2 egg yolks - 170g sugar - 200 g butter (softened) - zest of one lemon - 1 tsp vanilla - pinch of salt .. procedure:: In a food processor, pulse the almonds, sugar and cornmeal until they form a coarse powder. Mix the result with the AP flour. Add in the yolks, vanilla, salt and lemon zest. Add the butter, and mix until you get a more or less homogeneous result. If you want to, you can add 30 g or so of roughly chopped almonds to the mix. Press the mixture into a 2cm high disk, and put in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Line a 10 inch cake pan with parchment paper and butter. Crumble the semi frozen mixture into the pan, without pressing it. Top with a few whole almonds and a sprinkle of sugar. Bake covered for 40 minutes in a 350 F oven. If needed, uncover and bake for 5-10 minutes more. .. rubric:: References `Source `_ .. note:: This is an amazing cake for tea. Try to use fine cornmeal (I only had the coarse one and it is slightly annoying). .. sectionauthor:: Carlo