.. index:: single: bread; Hokkaido milk rolls Hokkaido Milk Rolls ===================== .. ingredients:: For the tangzhong: - 43 g bread flour - 86 g milk For the rolls: - 300 g bread flour - 113 g milk - 40 g butter - 1 egg - 5 g instant yeast - 30 g sugar - 6 g salt .. procedure:: Combine milk and flour in a skillet and cook on medium heat until it forms a gelatinous paste (about 5 minutes). Mix everything (including the paste from the previous step) with stand mixer at medium-high speed for 5 minutes (until it forms a ball). Make a ball, cover dough, let rise for 1-2 hours. Deflate the dough, divide in 4 parts, shape into flat rectangles and roll them up. Place the rolls in a loaf pan. Let rise for 40 minutes - 1 hour. Egg wash. Cook in a 350F oven until ready (25 minutes). Add a container with water in the oven for the first 5-10 minutes. .. rubric:: References `King Arthur's flour blog `_ .. note:: in the stand mixer, before adding the butter, the dough seemed too dry. Add water but overshot it. Added more flour... I think the recipe can take a bit more liquid (maybe 5-10 g?) .. sectionauthor:: Carlo