

  • 1 kg pork shoulder
  • 20 g salt
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 50 ml white wine
  • 6 g freshly ground black pepper
  • 3 cloves
  • a dash of nutmeg
  • sausage casings

Let the cloves and the smashed garlic soak in the wine for at least an hout. Chop the pork into ~4cm cubes (or whatever will easily fit in your meat grinder), and put them in the freezer until very firm but not frozen. Grind on a coarse setting. Mix in the salt, pepper and nutmeg very thoroughly. Add the wine and mix again. refrigerate the mixture for at least an hour.

Fill the casings!

The sausages should rest refrigerated at least a couple hours, but no more than 3-4 days.


Salsiccia fatta in casa


You can (possibly should!) substitute about 1/3 of the pork shoulder with pork belly, but I didn’t have any…

Section author: Carlo